OCR 55+

It's a team so it's a support ... and of course fun;-)
At the end I will add only that in difficult times, you can count on a good word, advice or help these people and somehow took over the role of the family in the subject line of support. We accept each other and it makes very uplifting for us and builds self-confidence.
From now on OCR TEAM DĘBICA is our new home, which put the construction of each of us that is the members of this team. We are proud of it, and with great joy we put on Team T-shirts, even go to sleep with ;-) And what, may well work out and penetrated the smell of our skin because it will soon be our favorite item of clothing;-)
We invite you to visit funpage group www.facebook.com/ocrteamdebica You will find there all the information about the place and time of training and all sorts of curiosities from the world of racing with obstacles.
Stretching by Mateusz Wyszyński
Th rotation of submitting arm
The position lying down leg side located above is placed at a right angle on the platform, lower leg straight. Arms set in one line of the chest, then we move one hand on the opposite side so that the blade touches the ground. Hand side leg deflected all the time adheres to the substrate. In addition, the hand can be used as a low dumbbells external load. This exercise is mainly intended to improve the mobility of the shoulder girdle and stretch the muscles of the chest.
Kettlebell Goblet Squat
Starting Position: Test weight kettlebell keep both hands at chest height then descend to the bottom and back between his legs. Keep your knees in the same line as the toes, heels on the floor and the feet must be always be flat on the floor, elbows on knees pushes out to "open the hips." We keep your back straight by pulling your spine up, chest "open". In this position, we spend some time swinging from side to side. In this exercise, we improve mobility girdle and hence it is a great exercise to improve the quality of your regular squat.
Stride with translating the neck behind his back
Position stride forward, keep short fretboard caught wide so that the arms are straight. Then we put the fretboard over his head behind his back by doing cardiovascular (bypass the head). Exercises both the stabilization of the whole body and the mobility of the shoulder girdle and increase range of motion in this part of the body.
Position 90/90 - according to me the best position to stretch the hips and run, the most desirable is that this position was our natural sitting position on the floor, of course, on both sides. All exercises are performed in the "90/90" - sit down and sideways bending of the front and rear leg at an angle of 90 degrees. We remember doing an exercise on maintaining the natural lordosis, pushing the chest forward and the natural curvature of the spine. The exercise is on a slope in front of him. We lean forward for about 1-2 minutes. The aim of the exercise is to touch the knee chest. In this exercise, very good stretch buttock muscles and external rotators.
The second step in the sequence of the opening of the hips is to return to an upright position and gently pressing the hand leg front. The exercise involves unscrewing the hips toward the back of the legs - while keeping his knee of the front leg. The hand that moves abduction outside keep at the height of the chest, try to pull the "head-to-ceiling" to maintain an upright position. This exercise involves the adductor and internal rotators while increasing their mobility.
This exercise can be modified in various ways. For example the position of 90/90, attracting leg from front to each other, in order to force the muscles to do to get up and snap into position sitting position on knee one leg while the other leg straight resting on the ground. We pull the head to the ceiling, taut belly, hip on the side of the upright leg is pushed forward while maintaining the natural lordosis of the spine. We stretch mainly iliopsoas and four head thigh.
Two-headed muscle stretching, mobilization of the sciatic-shin
Starting position - lying back, upright position. Using the hands of attracting one leg to another, grabbing her below the knee. Leg of course should be straight in the knee, at the same time we can add raising hips upward lifting in the second leg. In this exercise we will stretch the hamstrings, mobilize the whole tape back legs stretched.
Position "dog leg up" so-called: dog on three legs or exercise that stretches and mobilizes all the muscles. Follow on kneel supported, place your hands shoulder-width apart, knees at hip width. The fingers of the hand apart, embedded in the mat. Lift the hips up, straightening your knees. Lift the breath right leg at the knee straight up. The rate in the top let it be active. Heel up, upturned toes. Feel like stretching the back leg. Keep hips on one level. Hold 5 breaths foot on the mat and lift your left leg.
Report of Spartan Race Svit 2017

2:30 hour alarm clock started to attack. It has not yet happened, that we had enough sleep before the race, and I doubt that one day it will happen. Face under cold water, quick coffee, a yogurt standing up and - "Ana'll take a cup of coffee .... You wait queue for MacDrive? What? It is about 4 in the morning ?? I'm not waiting. " She did not wait, and coffee on the way took Piotr.
Start place already known - Parking at Stomilanka (such as if a milk bar and cafeteria in one). The team SRTG took place and about 4:03 we went. Svit, our goal in front of us and 280 km ride, even when the lights went out, most of us went to the land of sleep ...
A few hours later ...
As well rested, I run a meal, while discussing passionately;) I, Gruszka and Krzysiu we seat on the back - the Team Trinity freaks. We started discussions about HH, and how long it takes etc., and came to the conclusion that as a joke, that in our case we can only participate as yet in AA;-))
When we reached the place, the whole team hit a nearby hotel to known;-) Even without any burden we went after our starter packages. Apparently not cold yet but freezy;-) and slippery that Gruszka slip legs and boots almost;-) was lost, and that Marta balance is in your fingertips it remained calm and walked out unscathed;-)
We were there quite early (7:30), so the excitement grew by the minute. Changing in the bus quickly and that's it ... Do you know movies when a group of heroes comes out of the building, which explode, one step at a pace slow and just to be clear no shrapnel even scratch them;-)? That's what we looked like we walked;-)
With the T-shirt we were clearly visible as we saw at the scene ... A good note so warm up somehow went in rhythm. So we suffered from rocking that even we intrested a TV, and what? We had our five minutes;-) Interview conducted, and our challenge mannequin behind passed. Bartek, our chief finished warming up on the stage, which also benefited the players present there. Time chased, so at the start line Spartans !!!
Selfie group gone wild and plow route;-)
The beginning is as usual to go up hill quite specific. We are used to running in the deep snow, just because here it did not matter to us. 7.7 km and 22 obstacles. Route cool, the only downside was the icing but it is not a Palma de Jałowce so...
To become a tradition for quite I run with Krzychu and Gruszka with Benia. Running, the only returning like a boomerang phrase was "I have to do Monkey Bar A". And please, it is standing, waiting, calling.
A strange feeling seeing the polished beast. The mixture of fear with joy that perhaps this time "cottage" will be mine. Thanks to the power struggle and concentration beast was defeated by us and all the obstacles (okay javelin is the only burpees).
On the way there were 3 new obstacles, I can say interesting, but they were not for us, no challenge anymore. After all fitness level increased by this dead race period. The route and the views nice, people friendly, so what more could you want? Finish line, medal, banana, compote and joy of the good times in the general classification meant that the place of fatigue and perceived coolness took the general euphoria and a desire to celebrate the first start of the season in 2017.
The start was crucial to us so personally and in terms of a SRTG Debica, of which causes sick policies and behaviors so. Group leader (there is obvious that we do not mean Bartek), we can already identify with him any more, as you see it shows only that the matter is serious ... but there is this bad, right? Wait patiently, because soon an article about the whole situation is certain to occur and not be written as a bedtime story, or rather John Wick version written ;-)

Certain circumstances made high time to write about a very touchy for many, and for us as well, which is a membership club and stroking and entering in the butt to various organizations and associations. Normally, do whatever you want, we do not care too much, but when it starts to affect us in the sense RaceHunters and our passion for sport, it's no reaction there's no way. Years 80 - our summer, the world was ruled by different rules, people more honest, open-minded, spending so much time together, integration between neighborhood full fledged. Walking also the camps of the enemy, not being a supporter, as always neutral (this feature when I inherited my little master), I and so far I have friends who adhere to different views, with a different view, a normal thing, right? Everyone has free will and can do what they want, where they want and with whom. Nobody us then not chastised, and no one looked askance as I spent the time with people so different and exercise in various sports clubs in many neighborhoods and nobody cared, important was fun. My choice, my decision on what direction to take. No one my passion and life lay not, come many have tried not once, but soon abandoned it - apparently the will to fight in that vintage is unique, and I think that not one person reading this knows what I mean. Those years were something else - money does not have such power over people as it is now, and it spoils everything in relationships. You can be offended, you can not like it, you can stop reading right now and also cool because it will not be nice to continue. You have free will and decision-making, right? And what life is about to have our own opinion and say what we feel and think, although not everyone is in favor, but it is only those who have a problem with yourself or hell complexes. As constructive criticism - we are all for it, because you know, do not know everything and all the time we learn.
Membership club, what it is? According to us is this: voluntary participation in meetings / training a group of people with the same views / direction in the operation repeat, voluntary and hence? Attending classes / meetings / training with pleasure when they are to this circumstance (known variously happens - illness, trip, job, etc.) Without pressure, because it is our choice, but the frequency of these meetings may not be sufficient for a person preparing for eg. the competition, because it seems to us a healthy approach to participate in training with other groups with similar passions is not it? You well or not necessarily? Exactly ... For us Srtg Debica is our base, where it all began and continues to this day, but it would be strange that one workout or even two with the group a week would suffice. We do not know, maybe it is our characters, ways of life and experience, assures us in the conviction that, in spite of our membership, we have the right to grow well elsewhere and to explore other methods of preparation. We do this with pleasure, we attend to the training of the groups X, Y, Z, and even a good while having fun with the people every kind of habit, but in this whole little world you see who's doing it with passion, who supports selflessly, who gives you the power to act in training as and issues blog. It connects us sports people - seemingly category, that unites, rather than divides. We see it like this: one trainer will give us awesome workout on the butt and thighs, the other strong arms and better coordination, and the third is a good joke and knows how to mentally lift our spirits before the competition, you know? There is no room for a problem where we train as we draw every moment with them valuable tips to become faster, stronger and a better version of yourself, whether it's a clear message?
The principle is simple, dear readers - neutrality.
Our blog is an archive of experiences, various passions, and our private galleries, so you can in this way get to know us better. He was created for our own preparations for racing and competitions Spartan Race. We give this mega positive energy to you, just like it is shared for free. What we do we have? We know that our products you make people laugh, relax, show a nice picture of us and the people we train every day and give you on a virtual piece of paper and a description of the training opportunities available to improve the condition of different places in our area. We do not divide people on the formations, good and bad, because we simply do not care - this sick sneak peak of nationality. We are interested in the man and his approach to others, what principles confesses in his life, how he treats others, etc.. We are an independent blog, we do not have a signed contract with anyone, and for anyone not working. We are supported by Spartan Race Poland for which we are grateful. Someone tells us: "It's fun, but awfully hard you go in the direction of the SR". I explain I hope the last time ... So Spartan Race - this is our love so far, since it began our adventure with racing przeszkodowymi and we do not intend to give it up. We love the special atmosphere of these people there, and those of our trips to the tournament with Srtg Debica. Spartan Race is definitely love at first hurdle ;-), however, to develop and train strength and endurance on obstacles, we are open to testing other gear in Poland. After also to compare and write reviews to give you our experience on this subject.
We love to play sports, and do it with people of a similar approach, it's simply perfect.
One of the biggest problems in society today is: "What do others think?" We will continue to write about things important to us and no one can impose upon us what to throw blog. We are primarily each other and no one pretend or succumb to any pressure. We know that being different is often destroyed and condemned only see how many great artists and inventors that their otherness changed the world? There is a saying, "Only dead fish go with the flow," We are, then, rare species and sail your heart and mainly at people with passions;-)
The start line and her highness Adrenaline

Svit Slovakia - 02/18/2017 Spartan Sprint Race - our first course after 4 months of drought, a break in the sense of competition, of course. During this period, no one rested on its laurels (ok, maybe during the christmas time ;-), training with a group of Srtg Debica, as well as in our fitness clubs, each of us can mark the so-called: bird as filled / credited, which certainly set us up for the start of the New Year's adventures on the route with obstacles. I will not say, because on the one hand, we have the power and wait impatiently for the gears, and the other winter - we do not like it. Honestly we rather run under the scorching sun, our face streaked with salt water, but, well, limited edition medal with Snow White convinced us, and yet the collection has to grow, right?
Writing last article involving Artur Surus, was asked about the feeling on the starting line. But we didn't look into how/what we feel before, during and after the race, so we give you our experience:
"Recently a friend asked me why I participate in the Spartan Race? I honestly do not know what to answer, and the only thing that occurred to me is you need to try and feel, and I think you either love it or you do not. But from the beginning ... I love exercise I know for sure. The Spartan Race heard from friends who urged me and we attended, but I'm not interested in competition with others and running as I say "public" so I was praying and I did mine. It was such my "comfort zone", exercise at the club, preferably without a large number of people next door. This monotony even suited me and I thought it was for me. Everything changed, however, back injury and unfortunately the only recommendation that I received from doctors to do pilates, swimming, just gently. Immediately I point out that I love the bar and I could not even sleep with it hehehe. But seriously the pain was, I could not practice, and I am very stubborn so tried to get around this. I visited different doctors and rather dissuaded by my spine such exercises which I love, and already Spartans could I forget. And it was probably the turning point. I thought: Oh noooo !!! There is no such option go the whole hog and we will see what will be the results. Ejjj, I am young, the body stand! Spartan must be, and be enrolled for the first race to Kosice. Sometimes I like to throw you into the deep end and see if I can do it. First trip to sprint to Kosice I will never forget the atmosphere on the bus voltage, well that most people I knew that support was. The feelings of the unknown at the start can not be described, but in a nutshell is this: What the hell I'm doing! It's not for me! I'll do it and that's it! - I thought. Same gear for me was pleasant, such a struggle with itself and with the weather just in case. At the finish line I felt it actually a great satisfaction, but something was missing, probably because it was not hard for me, actually, as I was in training, and already then I knew that this is just the beginning of my adventure with Spartan Race, that I find it something. I must admit that without the massage is not an error and water jets, because the spine still not as it should, but subsequent runs have proved that this is my passion, and with good preparation and regeneration after races I can handle even "move mountains" - Mount Everest is waiting. So to sum up what for me is running a mega adventure, meeting new people with the same passion, checking in all conditions. Each of us is different, needs something else, I know one thing, for me the most important thing is to fight with itself and with their weaknesses, not rivalry on racing. After the recent ailments and injuries frankly no one can understand, no one will feel that what I felt, but it's not that common passion makes me feel the power and strength from others and despite the obstacles I know that I can do it anytime and anywhere (Bear Grylls I'm waiting), especially with the support of Spartan."
"For me, every race was different, as if the same pattern: race smoke, countdown, loud, energetic music, but the atmosphere of venue different from the previous one. The question of the people, environment, weather, mood. I'm always sleepy. He gets up then about 4 or 5 in the morning, then route to the destination (bus, car), and if I only have the opportunity to listen to the music, it calms me down and allow to drain. Good skits traveling companions also help to loosen up is the fact ;-) Reaching the place is important to eat properly, two hours before the race, as well as the long route backpack to pack what is necessary, namely water, energy gels, chocolate and whatever who likes. You take a starter pack and wait but not in the focus, you are affected by loads of pure, invisible, but mega chill energy. These vibrations absorb you completely. The emotions you feel the whole body, and the adrenaline begins to fill in the bloodstream. It was then that I personally do not hear much, just start to focus, cut off from reality. I have my own world and how in an enchanted garden overstepping the boundaries of entering a completely different area. Is that something I think? Yes, the obstacles, the route itself. Will there be water and mud - mud like, with water differently; -0. How cold is it I want to quickly get to the finish, which sometimes is motivating and even gives an interesting effect in the form of a good place in the standings (24 Liberec, 3 in my age group ;-). I remember in Krynica during the Spartan Beast I had injury - shin splints (shin) and both legs in the tape, but you know what? I did not feel any pain. This can effect of adrenaline and excitment, but nothing, no pain, which gives food for thought, as in such cases the mind affects the body feeling ;-) Of course, getting to the finish line and celebrated the next day ;-)
What I do not like? Countdown ... makes me increase tension, strong concentration and stress. 5,4,3,2,1 and what? And so, lines start leave behind, and in front of you unknown - the route puzzle strewn with question marks as to the issue of obstacles. Usually I ran with someone with Krzysiek or crew, and so like it, because we support ourselves like. I shout: "Krzysiek, are you here?" - "I am" and vice versa. We drive each other, cheer on the obstacles it sure is fun to Spartan Race. It brings people together, deepen friendships like. There is one thing I learned during transmission: internal dialogue with myself. It may give you strange, but this is my way of obstacles - "Ana quietly, you can do just align breath concentrate on the handle and get the fuck do not rush - let them wait." So it looks more or less ;-) "
This season, a lot of very exciting racing, which will describe to you these our experience to provide that closing your eyes you will feel the smell of the forest, which will run, the taste of mud on the lips, which dive and sound medals, which at the chest suspend ... Ah! this awesome feeling when you hold in your hand a medal, you look at him and enjoy like mad, so mad with joy that earned it through their own work during the preparation of that self-confidence has led you to the finish line, and at the same time a good time spending time with people sharing with you passions.
Come, stand on the starting line, and ... well, I wonder what you feel? Can you tell us once about this?
A Lady will meet a lad
OMG! “Have you seen that guy? I wouldn’t kick him out of bed...yes women also have needs and when they see a guy with a beard and such a rib cage it’s clear madness.
We are single ladies (it is not a matrimonial ad, although...:-) and obviously the knees go weak at competitions filled with a few thousand handsome Spartans. It’s that these men go to get the scores, right? The time, general classification, elite and so on ;) they don’t even notice cool chicks around them. Too bad because they could score a “fall in love”.
Dear friends we have been on a few of such runs and this is when I wish I was an owl (capability to turn the head 270 degrees) the sights! You can choose a bearded, an athlete, a sprinter, you name it. And when you see a 6pack or tattoos on legs or arms (we love it) I won’t even mention what happens to our bodies and the visions in our imagination would have to be censored.
If the times were different, I think that they don’t realize what they are missing out on. And if asked “what kind of woman turns you on?” what does he say? “I like a girl doing hurdles” - I know, I’ve done research ;-) and even with that they miss it. Guys, at least after you take a freezing shower after the finish line, take a moment to look at the beautiful Spartan girls. Who knows, maybe not one of you would meet the love of your life, and your children from the earliest childhood would have the support with difficulties from the best trainers – parents.

Most women know that men are essential. They can help in everyday life, with a car, shopping and will share a credit card ;-) Generally they give support. At competition we can also count on them. For example, by the wall they are helpful, while giving a lift (physical contact is inevitable) they feel how hard we’ve been working on our buttocks recently. Sometimes it’s enough to make googly eyes and give a wide smile and believe it or not, even SR world champion won’t resist it. This is human nature that a women and men attract each other, and they can match up even in mud or high snow. They like it that women can handle it and are not affraid to get dirty or sweaty. Also they have passion in common which draws them closer.
I sometimes sit in my super comfy couch ;-) and switch off, which happens more often as I get older (perhaps a new illness – Aswichoff ;-) I imagine my life with a guy like this by my side.
Taking into consideration my personality with elements of sarcasm, sense of humor and maximal awareness it is hard to find a guy these days. Everything got horribly messed up. There are more women with guts than men. This is why Spartan Race and other events of this type is a great place to make friends. It doesn’t matter whether it’s us friendship or love – there’s potential.
Runs like that build self confidence, men compete with each other – typical male fight. From most distant time when a man, who looks after and fights for a woman, has his principals and never gives up. Girls, we encourage you to come to competitions because we fall in love every 7 minutes and every other obstacle. There is a “crush moment” which as we all know delivers loads of serotonin needed for the following kilometers of euphoric run.
We can’t wait for the next season perfumes and waterproof mascara is bought. Too bad we can’t run in dresses because our mailbox would be maxed out. Men annoy us, but when they’re not around everything else is annoying.
Elite - the second face of the warrior part I.

What to do tomorrow hmm...
- "Gruszka? Are you going to the cinema? Assassin'Creed fits you? You do not know what is it? "
You can see that Marta does not play on the console, but quietly certainly after this article comes to me and how it "real woman" take in hand ... falls and allow yourself to go into the world of virtual experiences;-)
Returning morning after cosmetic surgery rather invasive (looked like scrachted by cats) have reserved tickets for the evening ... "a date" with Gruszka, sth new.
We, 100 men in the room and Assassin'Creed.
Thanks to new technology Callum Lynch experiences the adventures
of his ancestor, the assassin Aguilar, who lived in the
fifteenth-century Spain. Soon he fights against the powerful Templar ...
The main role plays here cool dude (something for Women ;-)
What we mean by "cool" ??
- Intelligent in conversations
- Handsome
- the guy with the "balls"
- Well ... he uses sword well in this case ;-)
- He is confident
- Brave, brave
However, every superhero has a second face, a bonus - in addition to his "uncanny" - humility and authenticity every day.
of us knows more than one such guy, to whom, or sighs, or drives aft erhim
to competitions / matches or in extreme cases, waiting under the window of
his bedroom and calls his name, but I repeat in the extreme, as well as Gruszka says "take it easy ladies. " Our hero Assassin, has the ability to "blend in" to his ancestor to fight the evil. Thanks
to these two worlds, a warrior and a mere mortal skillfully
intertwined, and the hero draws from them the knowledge needed to use
their skills well every day.
You know what we do in competition Spartan Race. Overcome obstacles, is not it? We do this to measure the forces and capabilities. Everyone has a different goal to 'pass'' on races such as:
- Fight with each other and their weaknesses
- A challenge for body and spirit
- A form of leisure
- Gaining seats in the classification of the open / elite
How many people so many different reasons, but each is important because it leads to the finish line ;-)
Running, many times we wondered who are the wave of the Elite. Well, after all, you can not know what it is Elite. I hasten so with the translation.
Spartan Race competitions each wave starts every 15 minutes. It consists of 250 athletes. As a first move just waves Elite (men, women) - they associate the fastest and most durable players from all over the world. Briefly …
Frankly, I not once thought of who they are, and if I had contact with them it's at all an abstraction !!! They were unavailable at the time of my then living, and so would have
been if not for our next passion - our blog, which perfectly meshes
with other hobbies.
so one night (as at night are the best ideas and the subconscious mind
there is no such control, and thus magical things happen) was created in
my mind article, or rather its outline.
a time where the world is ruled by fame, and sits on the board of Selfies,
Challenge Day and Binder (we do not mind if you keep the frequency at
the appropriate level), it would be worthwhile to show that the
so-called. stardom
did not hit their heads, they have a normal life, interests, family,
etc.. Show the "human face" Elite athletes, so that was it. Random
method and a little with the help of a third party we went a couple of
guys, warriors who runs Elite have a lot of experience and also the
amazing achievements in the international arena. As
one person close to me says that I have the ability to influence the
environment - of course positive, "attacked" the guys, I introduced a
set of questions to the article and liked. The
biggest problem was not with the text, but with a choice of photos ;-) I
thought that only women as they have, and here, surprise. But the one we're all made out of clay.
Xrunners, Srtg Krakow, Hussars Race Team - a club to which they belong. Such places that treat like a second home. They
have friends, together they leave for the competition where they give
themselves support, but also collectively spend their free time outside
competition. You know, it's beautiful, as people coming sport, as each infected
with passion, they share their experience, to mutually push the
boundaries of endurance and build a solid staircase to the world of OCR.
Hussars Race Team - Dream Team? Certainly one of many that has in its ranks players receiving extremely successful in the field of racing with obstacles. They are a harmonious team-training enthusiasts together, then give an example, that want to be able to. Image
Husarii but is erroneously perceived by outsiders as a place
inaccessible mainly because it is associated with people with
extraordinary abilities running. Workout
partner, having fun on trips and support which bestow upon themselves,
can nevertheless encourage closer contacts with them.
Watching photos on funpage Hussars Race Team, in the eyes of the first to hit was Horse - Artur Surus. Sympathetic guy with blond mane of hair and a wide smile.
- "A Horse is a very cheerful person. The soul of the party. He is with us almost from the beginning. Thanks to his work, we are here at present. Great friend, companion travel, a great man, but a hopeless driver. Every trip to competitions and other events are legendary. You can not get bored. You can quote here a lot of history, but it is worth to focus on the most important question that Arthur is a horse. Once we went against the Spartans in Krynica in 2015 for training on Jaworzyna Mountain. Artur led training and ignoring the others ran trail 15 km of whether or not someone is behind him. When he turned around there was nobody. After this he was called "Horse" - Peter Zabiegaj creator Husarii Race Team.
It beats from him the fun energy - I thought. Without
long thinking I decided that Arthur will be one of my cases,
surveillance ;-) During the conversation has consented to the interview,
and I gave him a set of questions. I know that the most difficult to write about myself, and here also it was not easy. Interview if it was about the competition or the results of the so-called. dry facts would be easy, but the situation is more difficult when you have to write the elements of life outside of racing.
- "Do you have other passions outside of racing?"
- "...Ana Saprtanka. Specify whether the passion is what I do in my spare time, or maybe other such sneak peak?".
;-) We came together, we take into account the interest Arthur, those
who enjoy it, give him relaxation and an opportunity to gain experience
of any kind.
- "Come on give me sth, I note, fit?"
- "Calm down, wait. Okay so ... "
"With the active forms of leisure is definitely climbing, rather
bouldering. Some time ago I caught the teaser, I attended very
irregularly, but now I attend regularly. You know, and I liked it and it
is also my unit training, as I combine business with pleasure useful.
I fight there with "problems" whic sometimes do not allow me to sleep. For
the next workout back to the same bald and I try again, and still,
until it succeeds. I'll tell you frankly that it teaches patience and
humility, and training at this
wonderful, not once I come back home with tired arms. Table
tennis also is one of the forms of spending free time. I like to play it
with my brother, we have the same level of play, so the fight is always
fierce. You know, if quite " off
'' the sports section is like going to the cinema, mainly action films,
war - where reigns the action. The huge screen and good sound
system in the cinema except when it clearly is not for any love story,
drama, etc. but
for movies, where it reigns action, special effects, shooting,
explosions, chases and so on. In the past I had a sucker for bonding of
aircraft models (it only teaches patience), which over time has been
suspended, but will not say, but return it's only matter of time. Books about war, crime and historical are also in my life desired position. I
really like to watch, whether on the Internet or on the type of
Discovery channels, programs of technical, something like: engineering
extreme, amazing designs and extreme machine. From the small fascinated me such things, what also made me want to become an engineer. You know I really like to listen to music, it fills every sphere of my life. I have a my favorite bands, whose music describes me, and their songs are good for every mood."
- "Ok, and please tell me how you look at the situation with the support, I mean the competition. Do you have someone like that? How it looks from family / friends? "
- "When it comes to family, this support gives me mainly brother, who also leads an active lifestyle, as well as running, hence surely understanding my passion and participation in competitions. The rest of the family rather is of the opinion that I should sit on my butt, because otherwise I'll ever get hurt. Huge support comes, however, from the team, and friends from the world of racing with obstacles not even related to my team. Some time ago there was a person who motivates me, gives me a kick to the action, for which I am grateful. "
- "What do you feel when you step on the starting line?"
- "When I stand on the starting line always in my head scrolling 3 things. How do I start if from the beginning "of the hoof" or maybe calmer and what will be the tactic gear. Weather conditions, like a huge influence on my prosecution and that defeat obstacles will be very difficult. Well, these are some of them critical, and again appear on the route, whether this time will pass them without a problem. With the moment when the final countdown is coming soaring emotions, on the one hand you want to get it over, secondly, you do not want, because you are afraid of what will happen when stops. At the same time start time slows down and even stops for a split second to instantly speed up. We go, like warriors to fight with nature, obstacles, enemy and ourselves. "
- "... Arthur?"
- "Yes, Anna?"
- "Is there anyone whom you consider a role model or something special you appreciate it?"
"You know, I have a total of such authority, eg. From the world of
sport, but someone who particularly impresses me is my dad - a man busy
for what it sincerely appreciate and respect. Besides himself rather appoint a new path, I go where others do not
go, do things others can not do ... I want to be authority for other
people, someone you want to emulate."
- "Well so dear fellow, if so, give you a chance, as the first response to the next question. It also is not yet frayed by one way, so perfectly that fell on Ready"
- "How you support women into gear and starts in the competition - the challenge here for you."
-"Ladies, show that you have character, and the one who came up with the concept of "the weaker sex" grossly wrong. Besides, it's probably a good feeling to dig many a guy on the competition? Am I right Ana?
- "Yes .. Horse"
- "Thank you for your time. And one more thing. Do you have a dream, so special?"
- "Wait ... yes, life without stress. That would be something. Hardly attainable, but if dreaming costs nothing, why not try it? "
- "I am glad that, although you could virtually get to know Arthur. Maybe one day we can get to know you personally and your team mates - maybe a common practice? And just, you know the article has recruited someone else with the Hussars Race Team "
-"Who? Tell me !!!"
- "... Patience is a unique gift, and I give you the opportunity to commune with him in the near future ..."
- "Then I wait Anka Spartanka"
Gymnastics - Łukasz Gębara

Gymnastics. Hmmm ... When I saw this type of classes in the schedule of our club somehow I do not desire to try this form of physical activity. I thought, uh it's not for me, let others show and honestly chose other activities. As you know, we are open to various forms of activity and enough conversation with Łukasz - our coach for gymnastics, and not only to come again and see how it looks. After the first class, my outlook on gymnastics has changed and what I saw in the classroom is a mega positive impression. Łukasz Gębara this guy very positive and ebullient. He has a passion and to know how to pass it on. It is the right person in the right place. I highly recommend and I wish all those coaches in their clubs. I love fanatics and therefore pass on the baton to the person. Łukasz !! I do not know where you get your inspiration, but do what you do. Here are a few words from him about the gymnastic, maybe he will also convince you :-)
"Gymnastics - one word millions associations. It is not only a way to improve mobility, strength, agility, flexibility and strength, but also a great tool for building the perfect machine with his own body. Its interdisciplinary nature allows her to be queen of all sports, as in any sport foundations built are just on it. You see probably often people swinging on poles and doing some elements of gymnastics on lampposts and poles - precisely the street workout also can meet those elements. I started from the acrobatics but always with the downturn of mounth watched the struggle gimnasts at the Olympics. It was amazing how these guys are built and what kind of things can knead with your own body.
is a false association that gymnastics is "somersaults" and
"revolutions", while the methodology Gym is one of the best methods of
learning in the world. This is absolutely something for everyone, from absolute beginner to total stager. If
your goal is to be the best version of yourself and overcome any
obstacle no matter where and how it will be a great workout for you or
to supplement it. In
gymnastics great emphasis on the development of muscle strength, but it
is not overlooked when the process strengthening the connective tissues
of the body - the joints, ligaments and tendons. It was not until a full package allows you to enjoy without injury fully effective workout. The second issue is the fact putting on a proper stretching and mobility of key human joints. In this configuration, you are sure that you develop completely. Looking
at my eyes on today's racing obstruction can easily say that walking to
the gym or practicing street workout most of the obstacles call it
strength, it will be for you trifle (rope, transition overhang the
wheels, climbing obstacles, etc.). Wherever you need a powerful upper body strength you will be surprised how after some time training will facilitate things. The key, however, is a technique and a large dose of self-denial if you want to enter the really heavy elements. For this I encourage you to explore these secrets, to be a better version of themselves, and certainly stronger. But wait a moment, someone was going to say that the legs do not. We
do here, but we put a lot of improving effectiveness and explosive
strength (to generate it in the shortest possible time eg. stroke
accessible). Such
training, in turn, will allow you to overcome all obstacles with ease
and with almost feline grace, and still your lower body will be strong
as hell! So
if you are looking for activities that will make of you a better and
above all, more efficient machine that gymnastics is a great idea! "- Łukasz
The cult of the body - our thoughts

It is clear that each of us (maybe not all but most) would like to be liked, to attract masculine or feminine look. Do not kid yourself, this is so and we will not argue with that, but not in this issue, we like to be desirable (human nature ;-). The problem arises when what pushes us toward this may cause side effects in this personal fight for every centimeter.
When you're still in the safe zone, and when in this eluded? You thought / were looking for this?
From an early age in many families the girls feel pressure to look or weight, which undoubtedly causes paralysis and pushes towards destruction. Each of us knows for certain cases of anorexia or bulimia in the immediate vicinity, and seeing everywhere around us lean body models or well-built ladies fitness clubs (do not confuse with sports sylwetkowymi) - the pressure increases. Additional is thinking: "but I'll find a guy who will want the cane overweight?" Then the young lady stops eating regularly, dried up the stomach, enters into nicotine addiction, everything just to get rid of those extra kilograms, which is reflected sadly on health, physical and mental. I suppose and the family quietly sleep through it can not. Personally, being in college I had a similar problem. I weighed then 43 kg and only the clothes on me perfect were for children, but in my head there was a problem, was effectively masked. only good people, my friends helped me get back to normal. Want to come back toappearance of such? Absolutely !!! I have now completely different problem that most women would envy me - fast fat burning and despite adequate nutrition is hard for me to gain weight, for at all times with the increased intensity of the workouts I have to control your weight. When the drops even with 0.5 kg I stop training until my weight comes back to the initial state. And so bad and not so good. Important to find a solution in harmony with our mood and psyche.
If you do it with pleasure, and sport is your passion and you approach this with the head, then everything makes sense, and the results are amazing. You feel the need to exercise for many reasons, but not necessarily for the acceptance environment, right? For us training often helps to remove tension, which has a soothing effect on the state of mind. The rule is - the less you have the urge to effect, the faster he will come alone, but it is based on acceptance of your body, because if it does not happen yo-yo effect. Work on another humbling, it allows you to explore your options, so check while racing with obstacles and find a side effect can be nicely sculpted silhouette. May or may not. Often in women it is that, unfortunately, hormones govern us, and disturbances in the economy badly they can affect our body and well-being, which, unfortunately, often do not have any influence. If you, dear readers, this woman has problems, say, thyroid, and for that loved one constantly pressuring and criticizing her appearance, what happens? Do you realize? This little woman closes in on itself, loses contact with the environment, she falls into a state of collapse. Everything tends toward depression, and, in extreme cases, to take her own life. In the name of what? Do these 5 cm less in waist will show that she is a better person, it will become by it prettier and sexier, and her family will be had for more affection? If so, it's time to change the environment. Is this guy feed his body to exhaustion moments that just do not fall out of circulation, the muscles will give his women a sense of security in everyday matters, and his children fully healthy and vigorous father?
Paulina Kilanowska - volcano woman and her reflection on OCR
"Adventure with racing OCR began in 2016. When I trained in the local crossfit club Universal Box. Together with the team we had the idea to run at night Runmagedon. For a long time it was in my mind to try your hand at this race but always lacked the courage. Password has been thrown, and there was no excuses.
The only thought which accompanied me on the grid is: what am I doing here? And why I gotten myself into in this race? However, after the start the doubts disappeared and began my adventure. I loved the mud and obstacles. Although the first wall is paralyzed me with the help of colleagues from the team I went through it and I was proud of myself. That day I moved even one of its border, namely running in total darkness. I will not hide that I hated it. After that, the same thing had gone and were running another obstacle.
For a long time I watched funpage Spartan Race and I told myself that one day I will start. Then there is information about free training in preparation for transmission. As it turned out they were not in Poznan. I decided to write to SR: why is there no such training and whether they plan to run them. Then I received the answer that the group has just formed, and the question if I would a group of people who would like to create such a group. Within a few days I was able to recruit a few people. Then I was offered I ran workouts. And here I began to doubt whether I can handle it, but they have effectively been dispelled by both the SR and the group. With each workout, I was more confident that gave the kick to new challenges and competitions.
The first course in Poznan "zaliczyliśmy" competitors (Survival Men Expert). Already at the start we have been noticed and people started to ask about our group which resulted in a good turnout in training until now.
At the beginning of my adventure with racing I treated it as fun, but with each succeeding as a competition with itself and little of others. Racing obstruction is primarily cooperation from not only friends, but also strangers to each other people. On the route you are never alone and always will be a group of people to help, to laugh and warms to fight. I will never forget how I tried to go through an obstacle made from tires, where you had to climb over them (the tires were slick with mud). When I was at the top I did not know how it go down. Suddenly my left appeared colleague, and it resulted in one sentence, that fear disappeared ;-). For what else I love racing OCR? Namely, for all those muddy guys who simply eager to help us woman, and then look with pride in their eyes as we're doing.
Gears of this type primarily give joy and so much adrenaline I needed. As a person who hates boredom in life is for me to escape from daily responsibilities. And with this, I run training I met a lot of interesting and just as crazy as I am people. You could say that I found my way in life, so I completed a course for a personal trainer and I intend to continue to educate themselves in this direction.
I invite everyone to a free training spartan in Poznan every Wednesday at. 18:30. For more info write to SRTG Poznan ... "
Ladies, see themselves as such previews have a positive impact on our world and there is nothing else to do but to join us;-)
I could not find my place. Someone previously meant that some of my "ability" has been superseded by the mind, just forgotten. I do not know if you ever had the feeling of "the cry of the soul" - a very strange sensation of pain inside, you know that something is wrong but you could not define words, and when even this occurs frequent crying and lack of confidence (so, too, so I most of his life) is only a miracle can prevent tragedy.
The fact that I have a son always gives me strength, even as it was badly (thankfully it is not), no because what you do, God will wipe away tears and enter the baby's room with a smile, right? However, I further felt that the "death of the soul" is not far. You know how important it is to support children a good word, even as they go out? They need to feel like you do not believe in, thanks to build a society sane, responsible and able to function independently of people. And when it is not, what then? Then, after a series of "beats of the soil" you come to the same old age ;-)
Rebuilding self-esteem and self-confidence takes years. Of course, the sooner "take lessons" that gives life - Well done you, but if you do not have help it's sad.
December - visit to a hairdresser friend. I'd been there many times, but this time was special. Coming out, I saw the studio, whose existence I had no preconceived notions. I stopped, and my heart killed me harder. I wrote down the phone number and left.
A month later, I dared to call. Why only then? Out of fear that someone will judge me, that can not handle me laugh.
First class. The girl asked for a drawing, in this case it was a still life. 20 years without a pencil in hand, it can be fun - I thought. It went something moved ... smile, I was praised. It's even better as a bag of cash, something that began to remove the logs from under my feet. During the workshops often I drew, but also "take" clay. Initially, the only thing I could do is bowl (the most beautiful in the world), and as far as sculpture is totally awful. After 1.5 years of my life began to take on color, personal situation has stabilized, and I successfully fought for their own mental health in an artistic way, of course;-)
Then came the moment when it blocked my imagination started with hooves.
Touching the clay, I never know what will be the end result, which is all the more amazing. My head began to open before me decks previously not available to me. Just like in the game - gain level to the corresponding key fit into certain doors or when you get in life for free. I got just a second, which was involved and this figure, and this clay.
2 years ago I moved their "toys" on the kitchen counter. Here it limits of imagination have been totally obliterated. Clay incredibly calm, acts as a session with a psychologist. I just with it will come down to us perfectly works, which translates into an interesting and unique end result. But when comes the "phase" it is like a trance, I am not, then I eat a little and drink a little (well, that I have a dog at least enlisted in the fresh air ;-) What is the best? You do not think about anything, any problems leave, calms the mind, heal the soul.
Similarly, the figure when it comes vein (and it happens every few months), then two weeks only draw at random and even sometimes on the table, because better is to eat breakfast when the counter looks you in the eye superhero or a beautiful woman unearthly beauty.
Yes, now I can say that I'm a woman of passions and it is thanks to them not crazy. To join this trash variety can also be racing in Spartan Race, and bouldering.
According to me, passion is the ability that gives you joy, satisfaction, raises adrenaline while production of serotonin. It's your destiny, that "something" what were you when you have lost faith in yourself. It needs to come and go when they want to, and only then will be preserved balance. Because remember, if you exert pressure on it - will leave and will wait until you are humility, and how I know? Because I experienced it.
Let your mind be open. Grow up and try new things, because it's the only way to development and, above all, do not let them tell you that it is not something you transmit. Fight for yourself, because life is just the sum of breaths that over the years lose their momentum. Because what you then remember? What do you tell your loved ones? As "lived for someone" and forget that you are a separate entity that has its own life and the right to choose?
"Whatever you can, or you think you can start it. Courage has the genius, power and magic." - Goethe
Buttocks, ass - sexy lure the guys
After a busy weekend, I admit that I dreamed about training and return to reality. I have my favorite classes in the club to which we attend with Ana and one of them is "Strength and Endurance" by Mateusz W. And as usual instructor hit the point of the exercise, because this week I decided to focus just on the buttocks. I present a set of exercises, so that he feels the buttocks to the present day, and it's probably fine :-)
As if that Ana said, every guy likes to look at a nice ass! And we girls want our ass was firm and shapely !! To work!!
I - 40s ON / OFF 20s (40-second - 20 seconds rest after each exercise)
Series x 3
1. Stride back + stride forward (still one leg for 40 seconds) + load
2. Stride back + stride in front of the other leg
3. Lifting hips with your feet on the bench
4. Skating jumps
Remember the torso and back straight with each exercise.
Stride - knee may not extend in front of the foot, the angle between the foot and the floor should be 90 degrees. Ideally perform this exercise sideways to the mirror, pay attention to your posture and adjust errors (hunched shoulders, excessive tilt to the front leg).
Lifting the hips - lie back on the mat. Hands hold straight up. Feet on the bench and lift your hips as high as only you can. Tighten your buttock muscles tight. You can stop traffic for several seconds, then return to starting position.
II - Bulgarian Split Squat (BG)
Series x 3
1. Stride BG with a dumbbell over his head 5x
2. Stride BG with a dumbbell to shoulder 5x
3. Stride BG with a dumbbell in the bottom 5x
4. Stride BG with a dumbbell overhead 5x (second hand same leg)
5. Stride BG with a dumbbell to shoulder 5x
6. Stride BG with a dumbbell at the bottom of 5x
Change legs - the same as above with the change of hands (1-6). This is one series.
Girls from the team

The history of history and the facts are these:
September 11, 2015 was established in Debica group SRTG - Spartan Race Training Group. The group aims to prepare for the run with obstacles, not only physically but also mentally. If no one had ever had to deal with this type of physical activity may be scared. It is known fear of the unknown - understand?
Going into this group a million thoughts came along with us. We have more than 30 years, we are efficient, something also go to gym ;-) but to just run and have to something to climb / crawl / climb it ohoho.
"In my head I repaeted - Ratajos (so to call me ;-) you are afraid of mud, come on? Don't be pussy ?! In m"It was probably the best motivation I do not know if more time was to show" them "that I can do it or in spite of the fear of the new I shall cross your comfort zone. Both the Head & Shoulders has created a blend that thanks to its wonderful properties wound the me to come for training.
Spartan strength and determination, which is born from the commitment, tempers the spirit to "fight the obstacles." If you expect the bullshit me, and after me a lot to expect ;-), but certainly not that tell you a tale like this workout is cleanly, nice and pink. Is not!!!
It is hard work at which you sweat, turles new leggings, you will pant with exhaustion as after a hard night but my friend - came spartanka despite all these drawbacks is such an amazing feeling, I do not know what to call it. Hmm. I describe it as ... Imagine your everyday life, the same steps in the morning you go to work you are there 8 hours (not all of us, work is a passion), mostly sitting behind the desk, then shopping, take your child from school / daycare, etc. sometimes called. Free time you manage to "escape" out with friends or work with Chodakowska however, this is often the same pattern - boring reality in which you tell yourself that "you do not have time" for training to develop passion ... And suddenly you get the opportunity to train for free with people so different that sometimes it's funny no way for what could combine for example. Information from kindergarten? The joint training course !!!
The feeling after a workout when your body with endorphins explosion like fireworks bursting at the four corners of the world and the wide smile (we women have an unearthly ;-) when the flashback filtering course of events, their struggle for another centimeter on the line, the next step with a sack on his back and traditionally "high five" from the rest of the team in front of a group selfie ;-)
Women soften manners, bring positive energy and good mood for the team. And what's important support each other on the way to crossing the comfort zone.
SRTG Debica group that its large turnout in training also owes us spartan chicks.
I interview with a few of them (unfortunately we are not able to reach every ;-). I present to you the outline and the genesis of their adventures with SRTG DĘBICA.
Jola on a daily coach in Spiders Training Team Debica
... "Adventure SRTG Debica, began over a year ago. Why? The woman, 40+ something hard to find a place, it seems that life is over, "dying" but this does NOT need to be and is not. I am a living example of a well-started stage of my 'second' life full of passion, people known and to motivate action ... Nobody asks how old are you? We are all "equal" and not feel at all that I am one of the oldest Spartan chick. ..we are like FAMILY. I work in a nursery where I help the children with the upbringing of new generations, wonderful and wise. The motivation are my people ... "
Agnieszka - mum of 3 years Marysia
... "The training of SRTG Debica persuaded me Sebastian and Anka Spartanka. At the beginning I had a problem with it, I can not do that these obstacles overcome me and not vice versa, but with a workout in the training was getting better, and the atmosphere in the group and the number of positive freaks all the more to me spoke not to resign but to fight for yourself, your health and your daughter transmit the principles and the desire to fight to overcome obstacles in everyday life. I feel good there and thought that during the competition is close and help the more fills me with pride that trains them ... aroo "
Edyta -recepcjonistka at the fitness club / insurance agent
"... Running started with coercion, for weight reduction, health and what turned out over time, in particular, for the pleasure and sense of freedom. I remember the moment when I started to run through the woods, the fear that I'll get hurt running down the hill or a huge shortness of breath when you ran up at its peak, and again quickly convinced that once again fall in love - in running, and Spartan Race induced in me strong emotions and adrenaline, which still did not know. It is kind of addiction competition from achieving the objective and the satisfaction! .. "
Iwona - physiotherapist
"... Training with SRTG encouraged me to this activity mainly because they are on the outside and every time is a great unknown about the area, location and type of challenges. I caught the bug. When the group has developed what was cool when I met Bartek. It's fun because the merged our passion together also cheer yourself in competitions and mutually give themselves support. There are obstacles that make me overcome and this is my motivation, and every time I choose a different goal to achieve for specific occupations. We must take the first step and exit from the zone comfort and the fact that classes are out and various positive people taking part in training also deepens the relationship and encourages joint outputs in private life. in SRTG Debica feel comfortable with what is probably a fairly important element of belonging to any group of people with passion ... "
Nothing more nothing less right? And these are only a few examples from our group (the rest is embarrassing and are uncomfortable giving interviews) showing a number of common reasons to attend training SRTG. Women such a delicate creature, is not it ?? Who would have thought that the desire of adrenaline, competition or simply in this way do reset, reset emotions that from Monday to Friday on our body wreaking havoc primarily as muscle tension, to whom we give vent to your workout. (Do you think that after what we wear this bag of sand or perform a series of burpees? ... And so also to our guys is then not reprimanded how these emotions in us too much, in order to exceed the limits of our bodies (for each other ) - as well all know the sacrifices which is capable of the female body, which transformed and pain to which no one has to face.
Women - poor sex ??? And you want to bet with us that there ?? To see this we invite you to join training in preparation for racing with obstacles with a group SRTG Debica and groups SRTG in Poland - www.spartanrace.pl
Spirulina - unique green powder

- Its basic building block is a protein, spirulina and it contains 4 times more than the same amount of meat.
- It comprises 8 amino acids which can not be produced by the body - essential amino acids.
- It contains beta-carotene - a source of vitamin A, which amount is 20 - 25 times higher than in carrots.
- It contains vitamin B1 in an amount greater than the vegetables or fruit.
- It contains vitamin B2 in amounts of 5 - 20 times higher than that of other foods.
- It contains vitamin B12, which improves the memory and prevent anemia. Most people consume vitamin B12 contained in animal liver, but its Spirulina contains up to 2.5 times more and can be consumed by vegetarians (many say that she is not here, I do not know do not know much but I know what power he has faith;-)
- It comprises gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is an essential fatty acid with a reducing cholesterol and preventing hypertension and heart disease.
High protein Spirulina, containing vitamins and chlorophyll has properties debilitating effect of hair loss. Vitamin F and nucleic acid in it acts as a supplier of oxygen to many cells throughout the body, which has a direct positive effect on the hair, skin and nails. Located also in its composition biotin has a significant impact on improving the quality of hair, nails and skin. I also recommend it in the diet of people suffering from anemia, I personally (Anka) most of his life struggling with this issue, and in situations where the "ready-made" iron from the pharmacy cause more stomach problems spirulina here is a salutary supplier of this component. It also acts as anti-inflammatory and cleansing but which for us Spartanek importantly - fantastic affects our muscles. "... Most probably, however, about the anabolic potential of spirulina tells us Sandhu study, published in 2010.
Both resistance exercise (weight training), hormones and other anabolic agents, stimulate the development of muscles and stop the loss of muscle mass, the best results, but a combination of both methods. And this issue in the context of spirulina studied Sandhu, putting together a group of 20 trainees and 20 untrained volunteers forcefully. In one group, and the other distinguished by an additional two subgroups in which the subjects received eight weeks, in addition to its permanent dietary or 2 g spirulina, or the same amount of flour as a placebo. The author, unfortunately, did not examine the effect of spirulina on muscle mass and body composition, focusing on only two qualities motor - muscle strength and strength endurance. The isometric force test, as compared to placebo on untrained volunteers who consume spirulina improved peak and average power of muscle strength and endurance - respectively - with approx. 7, 16 and 26%. However, in the same tests of strength, compared with the placebo group who are practicing, the trainee forcibly volunteers from the group with spirulina improved peak and average power of muscle strength and endurance - respectively - approx. 36, 32 and 30%.
Clearly we see that in this test model spirulina behaved like a classic anabolic agent, contributing positively to the efficiency of our muscles, especially effective in combination with strength training.
Spirulina is a rich source of protein; It contains up to 65% of valuable nutrient. We all probably know that protein is the most valuable food for muscle, because muscle tissue, after deducting the water, build mainly protein. For this reason, the protein is an essential element of sports nutrition with strength and sculpting disciplines, where the success depends on: the size and muscle strength.
The composition of spirulina protein is unique. It is composed of spirulina's protein cited above Voltarelli saw as spectacular successes feeding rats, in the context of the growth of muscle mass. Author compared in one of his work the milk protein with that of the spirulina's protein and compare this with that the second protein comprises a 9-fold, 6-fold and 9-fold more - respectively - isoleucine, leucine and valine. This is about the so-called. branched chain amino acids (BCAA), characterized by, as confirmed by many studies, strong anabolic properties.
Spirulina is also rich in essential minerals and valuable vitamins, especially vitamin C and compounds from the group of pro-vitamin A - carotenoids ... "
If, however, in terms of side effects, in the case of this alga are not present. It is completely natural, healthy and clean. Indeed, as already mentioned, it grows in water so salty that nothing is able to pollute. And that's why Spirulina is so healthy. Dear readers, you can see how wonderful product of nature is spirulina, and who of us Spartan does not want to improve their performance and increase muscle strength at a fantastically useful when gear Spartan Race.
Irrigation before and after training

Water and Electrolyte is important to the proper functioning of the body and the intense physical effort becomes deeper meaning and must care for her in order to avoid unnecessary problems and discomfort during and after training. The most important is water, which is an average of 55-60% of an adult's body, and its content depends on age, sex and percentage of body fat. Water at 92% is a component of blood plasma, which helps transport oxygen to the muscles and other vital organs and that gives us strength. The lungs and the brain is 80% water, so the lack causing poor concentration. Without high moisture content in the body is not possible to breathe, ingestion, excretion and the digestion of food.
The large loss of water can cause dehydration of the body and manifest in the form of:
• increased thirst
• less frequent urination (and even if we give it, it is in the dark yellow)
• dryness of the oral mucosa and tongue
• wzdętego belly
• lack of appetite
• halt perspiration
• drying of the skin
• or dizziness
Dehydration physical performance declines and deterioration of athletic performance. The shortage of water in the body slows addition, postprandial regeneration. I admit that the problem affected me, and not just once. Explaining that there was no time, and I forgot about the water before training, there is no excuse. Irrigation of the body is recommended throughout the day as well as during exercise is the most desirable, of course, but then in moderation. If you want us terribly drink it means that there is sufficient nawodniliśmy before training and body to some extent, is dehydrated and demands of water. We do not drink hectoliters at a time when only gradually supply the water to the body best small sips. Let us remember the well water after exercise. As our urine is dark or have dizziness (as above), it means that our body is deodorised and you have to deliver the best liquids in small quantities and often.
As for the electrolytes or sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, which are fluids in our whole body, ie. In the blood plasma and tissue fluids, even in the case of trying to prevent the loss of large quantities. Electrolytes are usually lose during increased physical means, eg. On a cross-country, as well as when the body is struggling with a virus. Symptoms include general weakness, tremors and muscle spasms, high blood pressure or even fainting. Sodium helps to keep fluid in the body and to maintain body temperature. Potassium is required for the synthesis of proteins and affects the normal heart rhythm. Calcium activates the muscle contraction and affects normal bone structure. Magnesium in turn is responsible for the correct transmission of nerve impulses.
As we run a Spartan Race potassium replacement if the magnet is very important, especially against the same competition. We are saving the then-type agents: minerals in tablets, highly mineralized water naturally or with food rich in potassium and magnesium, and calcium. Not once we passed players who struggled with cramps on the route.
The demand for water and electrolytes is an individual matter and depends on the lifestyle we lead and the weather. We know the more we sweat in hot weather like this it needs to grow the same applies to exercise, the more the effort the greater the demand. Remember liquids is not only water but also tea, fruit or soup. Sports drinks are beneficial during intense efforts and long-term and after exercise, as they allow for quick loss supplement of carbohydrates, but also not exaggerate them.
And exercise or running on a "hangover"? The body at the start is dehydrated, and this is not desirable, although I admit that we sometimes :-). I would recommend whereas before and during the workout drinking still mineral water, and after training as most carbonated water (as someone so fond).
In conclusion it is not indicated:
- Too much fluid before training or start to rehydrate instead of the regular supply of fluids throughout the day
- With plenty of fluids during your workout or run because your body feels deficiencies before starting
- Too much caffeine and energy drinks, which dehydrate and leach magnesium
- Too much alcohol the day before the competition
- Running at very high temperatures.
ICEBUG Acceleritas 4-L RB9X
First started racing in the area as "amateur " I didn't realize the importance of proper footwear until the first training SRTG. A lot of mud, puddles, ascents and increased risk of injury, all this had an impact on the decision to purchase the right shoes.
Where to start looking? I thought ... On the market hundreds of models praised by the manufacturers. But something always lacked. So I sat down and quietly wondered what I Anka Spartanka personally expect from this type of footwear.
I am a small woman weighing 52 kg needed shoes light, minimalist even, that the racing type Obstacle Race is likely to get wet, zabłocenie which is associated with the possibility of a slip and you know what follows ...injury. Something that would give me the lightness / agility, comfort for the foot and safety.
One day I look and what I see? Shoes ideal (ideal for women is also nice look ). By chance I found a website of the Swedish company ICEBUG. In the picture a woman in a muddy colored shoes in fuchsia model ICEBUG Acceleritas 4-L RB9X.
And here ... I love at first sight.come on? I like to look good in the mud
But weighs approx. 180 grams is ultra light which is important for: - Shorter distances where the speed and lightness is important - Long tiring journeys type Spartan Race considering that the route happens to swimming and mud "foot"
These shoes are made in the technology of Non Absorbing which ensures that rates will not be burdened with soaked shoes. It can increase its weight by up to 20% of its weight, but it is hardly noticeable.most importantly - the sole or most important element of the whole, it is important mainly due to the adhesion to the substrate when running on rough terrain on muddy / wet and slippery mountain trails. Used a mixture of gum RB9X gives about 90% more friction on difficult surfaces compared with other manufacturers and the added bonus is the fact that the sole ICEBUG no clashes during the run on asphalt !!!
The company ICEBUG are many interesting running shoes for women and men as well as with the use of so-called."Clever spikes" that adapt to the ground to provide the best possible grip.
The only downside might be the price. It dates back to the amount of about 429 zł, however, given the virtually indestructible of shoes which I am a living example as a participant Gear Spartan Race.honestly and in good conscience recommend ICEBUG.
Spartan Race obstacles
"I wonder what kind of obstacles will be there" ?! This question often falls before the race.
As you get lucky and there are two races in one weekend like in Liberec (Beast and Sprint) someone always share his knowledge of what awaits you in front of your course but if not you will be stand and think about that;-) Unfortunately we do not have the ability of clairvoyance and our thinking no way bring us closer to knowledge about obstacles route.of course, Uncle Google and Aunt Youtube will give you a substitute for experience and visually you can ... palpable rope or the touch Monkey Bar.
However, tests on your own body, face and ass (sometimes a Spartan stretch out a helping hand or hands to help you on the wall ;-) ladies ... most recently in Tokaj as a boy he wanted to help me, that almost threw me on the other side of the slope ;-) I am light and he didn’t know me that’s obvious... so help is not to worry about Girls ;-) but everything in moderation, to the crowd to help with the obstacles it was ... ok bore me and here about something else has to be ;-)
Countdown and run ...Sprint about 20 obstacles - such a mixture of natural with those created by the organizers. This is 5+ km distance and in practice, about 7km.This relatively short section and obvious that these 20 obstacles will be virtually one after the other within a short distance of each other but this is a big plus because there is no time for just any thoughts or moments of doubt ... simply enter / runs / crawl it !! ! You have no time for wondering if you like you can think about what's for dinner or what shoes to date assume ;-)
From our own experience we know that the only thing
you think when it's about what you do at the moment and the statement
"counts here and now" it takes on deep meaning .Sometimes happens
also that you are dissociated (quarrel lovers, mandate because as you hurry swimming
in the mud that I suffered, and Mr Policeman did not understand, and even
millions of blinks per minute, nothing here could (method usually works - ) and
then nobody better to the way around you was not because they had heard that
same fu ... ;-) well, so it goes.It is not always beautiful and
charming. That is not competition at doing make-up in the field or a Sunday tea
with friends.This is mud (you have it where you do not even know that it could
be ;-), sweat (in Krynica on Jaworzyna Mountain could be to light the
grill without the lighter, by the way barbecue, we take it to Krynica Spartan
Beast 2017 and we dump on sausages - ) someone willing???
You can see, despite the difficult conditions, medications or other types of events (add what exactly you fit ;-) enter it with all your heart and obstacles to overcome as far as our possibilities.if not, and sometimes it is, something that is still not achievable for us, then what awaits us? only 30 burpees ;-) no philosophy and do you need as quickly as possible because time is running out and the medal is waiting for us ... just why women at the finish line of medals not hand muscled guys ??? ;-) I hope that this will change and Poland will set an example other countries !!!
Thoughts - such beings circulating properly around the clock at our head, and just because they play a vital functions The I present to you a few of them accompanying us from obstacles:
- Finally something is happening
- Cramps, hmm if caught (without associations, I thought about the lines)
- Wall could use a guy to help because it is slippery ... ooo, good there is one ;-)
- Focus girl !!!
- Damn Monkey Bar, right away I'm going to do Burpee
- mud, will be fun and a good shot ass well
- Wire ... good I have to be careful on the hair and leggings
Often, however, you do not think about anything, you do the obstacle and fly away.
Do we have a favorite obstacles? Yea the easiest ... well ok not always
Bags of sand and buckets of gravel are even quite pleasant, teach you divert attention from the burden of the beauty of the environment (typically mountainous areas).
Rope ... Krynica Zdroj the Beast zing in the mud pool at the rope (fast diving with even faster ascent ;-) combined with "I do not go in? I? "I went.
Flip tires, memory test, javelin throw is also quite pleasant moments that give a respite during the competition because of course you do not do it and breath calm down.
You are afraid of? Well fear is also needed .For what? then we have a more heightened senses and instinct. If so you have it you are safe from obstacles. These are the only "inanimate creations," which, as a child, unless you have given them power as the "monster from the closet" is nothing to be afraid . Namely the obstacles in life are now more real and occur virtually every day but do not give advice? You put your hands up and breaking down? Oh no!!! You fight with them, bypasses, looking for solutions. Then ask yourself. If you must overcome a real logs, and get up after the fall of the stronger what are you afraid at Spartan Race ??? Are you in? Because I do not see any obstacles ;-))))))
Why do you need a mud woman !!!
