Stretching by Mateusz Wyszyński
Th rotation of submitting arm
The position lying down leg side located above is placed at a right angle on the platform, lower leg straight. Arms set in one line of the chest, then we move one hand on the opposite side so that the blade touches the ground. Hand side leg deflected all the time adheres to the substrate. In addition, the hand can be used as a low dumbbells external load. This exercise is mainly intended to improve the mobility of the shoulder girdle and stretch the muscles of the chest.
Kettlebell Goblet Squat
Starting Position: Test weight kettlebell keep both hands at chest height then descend to the bottom and back between his legs. Keep your knees in the same line as the toes, heels on the floor and the feet must be always be flat on the floor, elbows on knees pushes out to "open the hips." We keep your back straight by pulling your spine up, chest "open". In this position, we spend some time swinging from side to side. In this exercise, we improve mobility girdle and hence it is a great exercise to improve the quality of your regular squat.
Stride with translating the neck behind his back
Position stride forward, keep short fretboard caught wide so that the arms are straight. Then we put the fretboard over his head behind his back by doing cardiovascular (bypass the head). Exercises both the stabilization of the whole body and the mobility of the shoulder girdle and increase range of motion in this part of the body.
Position 90/90 - according to me the best position to stretch the hips and run, the most desirable is that this position was our natural sitting position on the floor, of course, on both sides. All exercises are performed in the "90/90" - sit down and sideways bending of the front and rear leg at an angle of 90 degrees. We remember doing an exercise on maintaining the natural lordosis, pushing the chest forward and the natural curvature of the spine. The exercise is on a slope in front of him. We lean forward for about 1-2 minutes. The aim of the exercise is to touch the knee chest. In this exercise, very good stretch buttock muscles and external rotators.
The second step in the sequence of the opening of the hips is to return to an upright position and gently pressing the hand leg front. The exercise involves unscrewing the hips toward the back of the legs - while keeping his knee of the front leg. The hand that moves abduction outside keep at the height of the chest, try to pull the "head-to-ceiling" to maintain an upright position. This exercise involves the adductor and internal rotators while increasing their mobility.
This exercise can be modified in various ways. For example the position of 90/90, attracting leg from front to each other, in order to force the muscles to do to get up and snap into position sitting position on knee one leg while the other leg straight resting on the ground. We pull the head to the ceiling, taut belly, hip on the side of the upright leg is pushed forward while maintaining the natural lordosis of the spine. We stretch mainly iliopsoas and four head thigh.
Two-headed muscle stretching, mobilization of the sciatic-shin
Starting position - lying back, upright position. Using the hands of attracting one leg to another, grabbing her below the knee. Leg of course should be straight in the knee, at the same time we can add raising hips upward lifting in the second leg. In this exercise we will stretch the hamstrings, mobilize the whole tape back legs stretched.
Position "dog leg up" so-called: dog on three legs or exercise that stretches and mobilizes all the muscles. Follow on kneel supported, place your hands shoulder-width apart, knees at hip width. The fingers of the hand apart, embedded in the mat. Lift the hips up, straightening your knees. Lift the breath right leg at the knee straight up. The rate in the top let it be active. Heel up, upturned toes. Feel like stretching the back leg. Keep hips on one level. Hold 5 breaths foot on the mat and lift your left leg.