OCR 55+
March 8, 2017 at 5:12 pm,
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Heavier breathe, you keep running, you feel the knee, but you run, you can't turn over no way keep going!!! You know how old are you and how much more work you have to put to the competitions to fight with others, with your body and even with pain or injuries. Time you can not turn back, but you need to take care of yourself at any age, and above all the mature so that it will result in fortitude, a strong psyche and the body able to cross borders, which even young people often are not able to cross. As a part of the cross-type racing with obstacles, we slow down our biological clock, and our interior body filled with energy attributed to teenagers. Many times during the event Spartan Race participants we saw in the prime of life. Marriage, buddies, a group of women who went through muddy puddles and slippery walls of discussing with the fun (I have nothing to crochet or knitting, but it would have been nice if these active grandmothers and grandfathers were more).
About 2 years ago I met in training Soho Spartan, Lucjan. The guy over-50s, athletic, but above all, always smiling and willing to help. Training and trips to competitions are approaching people, but I have not had a chance to talk about his feelings abot races as already mature participant (another good reason to write the blog;-), after the recent events in Svit we get on just such an idea, that Lucjan will present to you dear enthusiastic athletes of all ages, his emotions and his point of view on the world of racing with obstacles ...
"Where do I start, ok I know if women have a feminine point of view on racing with obstacles is how I name it? Does age matter to run in races with obstacles? I find that age does not matter and only "the spirit", which you have inside. Remember, it is never too late to do it what you want or your fancy, just to break the stereotypes, that in this age is no longer possible, that it hurts and that in general it is for young people, and that's all shit. Do what you want to do, you do want to turn on the TV grab a beer and watch, but do not complain that you have a big stomach and bad condition. After 27-year break, I danced (which I include as active sport) in the Dance Team "Igloopol" for almost 10 years, and when in Debica was open a fitness club Soho, where people of all ages can find activities for themselves and I also found it sth for myself. It started with a gym, which did not give me pleasure, so I persuaded a few friends and we started fighting in the so-called. "The gate of Auschwitz" (for those who do not know what it is are the group exercises at different stations), some of them gave up, because of the holidays and many other incomprehensible reasons, but ok. I found out about Spartan Race and asked the club to get to know what it is. Well, it happened. We did the group where entered the willing persons and organized a trip for the first Spartan Race to Krynica. Oh, it was hard, poorly prepared we went into battle. Along the way, we fell like flies, contractions were catching each and every breath took out output uphill, but all they got to the finish line and it was beautiful. Everyone was happy and charged so we took the challenge and started regular workouts in preparation for racing with obstacles on the occasion of infecting new people. Back to the subcject I had to write about what is the point of view of a man aged 55 to racing with obstacles. Stop - I remembered how after one of trainings named Krzysiek invited us to swimingpool in Pustkowia and when we sat in the Jacuzzi, my friend asked the question, then pass it on to the next, until it occurred to me, and the question was "How old are you? " So what to answer as the previous answer is 19, 24, 26, 25, 31, and this is the age of my children. Hahaha, so without thinking I said 45 and a low voice, from the rear to 100 and from now on every year I was younger because today I'm saying I'm 44 to 100. Ok, but let's go on, run run run I have to admit that even as we started to train it did not differ terribly from the rest and tried to keep the blunt, but after a year of training my colleagues underwent a metamorphosis and makes me extremely happy are getting better stronger and faster, you can see the difference from the prior year. Now on events they run to win and do it, or take a great place. But I with my colleague Wojtek look already on it differently: first, do no damage our body, second to keep warm by conversation (running in winter), thirdly to help others on obstacles, fourth laugh and take pictures, fifth survive and complete. Therefore, we have been members of the group Soho Survival Team Debica and under the supervision of trainers - Maciej (my son, who tortures daddy) and Łukasz (thanks to him I approach to do human flags and maselup), together with the rest of colleagues prepare to racing with obstacles.
This year, for the first time in the new group we took off in the Spartan Race in Svit (winter version) and here thanks to the trainers - we check with Wojtek that all obstacles and we didi zero burpees, time surprising because we were making live videos and photos of barriers for those who could not participate in this race (1h 20 min), 10 minutes we could have been faster but as you know we have five commandments, which we try not to break. Last memory of the race a week ago with a pretty name Armageddon Challenge - so it was Armageddon: airhole, ice, river and water water water (it was so cold that penguins have been hiding for refrigerators to keep warm), a part of the obstacles without the help of others was not to cross, even for well-prepared player.
With hypothermia landed in the ambulance 7 players from the race, but we all at the end were happy and after the race we could say "experienced", it is true rib broken, minor injury, bruises on our arms and legs but otherwise ok. so the five commandments - broken, but as we take part in something like that there is adrenaline (lack of pain sensation), as the rest do it I can do not give up, in addition, the team motivates and helps to do and how not to run to the finish ... "
What can I add ... Age is just numbers, that unless we give them the power mean nothing and only inner strength and maturity in decision-making both in life and during races, only work as plus for us and our loved ones who are no doubt eager to listen adventurous mature colleagues. Who knows, perhaps many a council will be used by them during the road strewn with obstacles, and add them courage and encouragement for further personal route.
"Twenty years from now will be more disappointed that you did not do than what you did. So throw off, leave the safe haven. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Travel, dream, discover "- Mark Twain