Buttocks, ass - sexy lure the guys
After a busy weekend, I admit that I dreamed about training and return to reality. I have my favorite classes in the club to which we attend with Ana and one of them is "Strength and Endurance" by Mateusz W. And as usual instructor hit the point of the exercise, because this week I decided to focus just on the buttocks. I present a set of exercises, so that he feels the buttocks to the present day, and it's probably fine :-)
As if that Ana said, every guy likes to look at a nice ass! And we girls want our ass was firm and shapely !! To work!!
I - 40s ON / OFF 20s (40-second - 20 seconds rest after each exercise)
Series x 3
1. Stride back + stride forward (still one leg for 40 seconds) + load
2. Stride back + stride in front of the other leg
3. Lifting hips with your feet on the bench
4. Skating jumps
Remember the torso and back straight with each exercise.
Stride - knee may not extend in front of the foot, the angle between the foot and the floor should be 90 degrees. Ideally perform this exercise sideways to the mirror, pay attention to your posture and adjust errors (hunched shoulders, excessive tilt to the front leg).
Lifting the hips - lie back on the mat. Hands hold straight up. Feet on the bench and lift your hips as high as only you can. Tighten your buttock muscles tight. You can stop traffic for several seconds, then return to starting position.
II - Bulgarian Split Squat (BG)
Series x 3
1. Stride BG with a dumbbell over his head 5x
2. Stride BG with a dumbbell to shoulder 5x
3. Stride BG with a dumbbell in the bottom 5x
4. Stride BG with a dumbbell overhead 5x (second hand same leg)
5. Stride BG with a dumbbell to shoulder 5x
6. Stride BG with a dumbbell at the bottom of 5x
Change legs - the same as above with the change of hands (1-6). This is one series.