Spirulina - unique green powder

- Its basic building block is a protein, spirulina and it contains 4 times more than the same amount of meat.
- It comprises 8 amino acids which can not be produced by the body - essential amino acids.
- It contains beta-carotene - a source of vitamin A, which amount is 20 - 25 times higher than in carrots.
- It contains vitamin B1 in an amount greater than the vegetables or fruit.
- It contains vitamin B2 in amounts of 5 - 20 times higher than that of other foods.
- It contains vitamin B12, which improves the memory and prevent anemia. Most people consume vitamin B12 contained in animal liver, but its Spirulina contains up to 2.5 times more and can be consumed by vegetarians (many say that she is not here, I do not know do not know much but I know what power he has faith;-)
- It comprises gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is an essential fatty acid with a reducing cholesterol and preventing hypertension and heart disease.
High protein Spirulina, containing vitamins and chlorophyll has properties debilitating effect of hair loss. Vitamin F and nucleic acid in it acts as a supplier of oxygen to many cells throughout the body, which has a direct positive effect on the hair, skin and nails. Located also in its composition biotin has a significant impact on improving the quality of hair, nails and skin. I also recommend it in the diet of people suffering from anemia, I personally (Anka) most of his life struggling with this issue, and in situations where the "ready-made" iron from the pharmacy cause more stomach problems spirulina here is a salutary supplier of this component. It also acts as anti-inflammatory and cleansing but which for us Spartanek importantly - fantastic affects our muscles. "... Most probably, however, about the anabolic potential of spirulina tells us Sandhu study, published in 2010.
Both resistance exercise (weight training), hormones and other anabolic agents, stimulate the development of muscles and stop the loss of muscle mass, the best results, but a combination of both methods. And this issue in the context of spirulina studied Sandhu, putting together a group of 20 trainees and 20 untrained volunteers forcefully. In one group, and the other distinguished by an additional two subgroups in which the subjects received eight weeks, in addition to its permanent dietary or 2 g spirulina, or the same amount of flour as a placebo. The author, unfortunately, did not examine the effect of spirulina on muscle mass and body composition, focusing on only two qualities motor - muscle strength and strength endurance. The isometric force test, as compared to placebo on untrained volunteers who consume spirulina improved peak and average power of muscle strength and endurance - respectively - with approx. 7, 16 and 26%. However, in the same tests of strength, compared with the placebo group who are practicing, the trainee forcibly volunteers from the group with spirulina improved peak and average power of muscle strength and endurance - respectively - approx. 36, 32 and 30%.
Clearly we see that in this test model spirulina behaved like a classic anabolic agent, contributing positively to the efficiency of our muscles, especially effective in combination with strength training.
Spirulina is a rich source of protein; It contains up to 65% of valuable nutrient. We all probably know that protein is the most valuable food for muscle, because muscle tissue, after deducting the water, build mainly protein. For this reason, the protein is an essential element of sports nutrition with strength and sculpting disciplines, where the success depends on: the size and muscle strength.
The composition of spirulina protein is unique. It is composed of spirulina's protein cited above Voltarelli saw as spectacular successes feeding rats, in the context of the growth of muscle mass. Author compared in one of his work the milk protein with that of the spirulina's protein and compare this with that the second protein comprises a 9-fold, 6-fold and 9-fold more - respectively - isoleucine, leucine and valine. This is about the so-called. branched chain amino acids (BCAA), characterized by, as confirmed by many studies, strong anabolic properties.
Spirulina is also rich in essential minerals and valuable vitamins, especially vitamin C and compounds from the group of pro-vitamin A - carotenoids ... "
If, however, in terms of side effects, in the case of this alga are not present. It is completely natural, healthy and clean. Indeed, as already mentioned, it grows in water so salty that nothing is able to pollute. And that's why Spirulina is so healthy. Dear readers, you can see how wonderful product of nature is spirulina, and who of us Spartan does not want to improve their performance and increase muscle strength at a fantastically useful when gear Spartan Race.