Elite - the second face of the warrior part I.

What to do tomorrow hmm...
- "Gruszka? Are you going to the cinema? Assassin'Creed fits you? You do not know what is it? "
You can see that Marta does not play on the console, but quietly certainly after this article comes to me and how it "real woman" take in hand ... falls and allow yourself to go into the world of virtual experiences;-)
Returning morning after cosmetic surgery rather invasive (looked like scrachted by cats) have reserved tickets for the evening ... "a date" with Gruszka, sth new.
We, 100 men in the room and Assassin'Creed.
Thanks to new technology Callum Lynch experiences the adventures
of his ancestor, the assassin Aguilar, who lived in the
fifteenth-century Spain. Soon he fights against the powerful Templar ...
The main role plays here cool dude (something for Women ;-)
What we mean by "cool" ??
- Intelligent in conversations
- Handsome
- the guy with the "balls"
- Well ... he uses sword well in this case ;-)
- He is confident
- Brave, brave
However, every superhero has a second face, a bonus - in addition to his "uncanny" - humility and authenticity every day.
of us knows more than one such guy, to whom, or sighs, or drives aft erhim
to competitions / matches or in extreme cases, waiting under the window of
his bedroom and calls his name, but I repeat in the extreme, as well as Gruszka says "take it easy ladies. " Our hero Assassin, has the ability to "blend in" to his ancestor to fight the evil. Thanks
to these two worlds, a warrior and a mere mortal skillfully
intertwined, and the hero draws from them the knowledge needed to use
their skills well every day.
You know what we do in competition Spartan Race. Overcome obstacles, is not it? We do this to measure the forces and capabilities. Everyone has a different goal to 'pass'' on races such as:
- Fight with each other and their weaknesses
- A challenge for body and spirit
- A form of leisure
- Gaining seats in the classification of the open / elite
How many people so many different reasons, but each is important because it leads to the finish line ;-)
Running, many times we wondered who are the wave of the Elite. Well, after all, you can not know what it is Elite. I hasten so with the translation.
Spartan Race competitions each wave starts every 15 minutes. It consists of 250 athletes. As a first move just waves Elite (men, women) - they associate the fastest and most durable players from all over the world. Briefly …
Frankly, I not once thought of who they are, and if I had contact with them it's at all an abstraction !!! They were unavailable at the time of my then living, and so would have
been if not for our next passion - our blog, which perfectly meshes
with other hobbies.
so one night (as at night are the best ideas and the subconscious mind
there is no such control, and thus magical things happen) was created in
my mind article, or rather its outline.
a time where the world is ruled by fame, and sits on the board of Selfies,
Challenge Day and Binder (we do not mind if you keep the frequency at
the appropriate level), it would be worthwhile to show that the
so-called. stardom
did not hit their heads, they have a normal life, interests, family,
etc.. Show the "human face" Elite athletes, so that was it. Random
method and a little with the help of a third party we went a couple of
guys, warriors who runs Elite have a lot of experience and also the
amazing achievements in the international arena. As
one person close to me says that I have the ability to influence the
environment - of course positive, "attacked" the guys, I introduced a
set of questions to the article and liked. The
biggest problem was not with the text, but with a choice of photos ;-) I
thought that only women as they have, and here, surprise. But the one we're all made out of clay.
Xrunners, Srtg Krakow, Hussars Race Team - a club to which they belong. Such places that treat like a second home. They
have friends, together they leave for the competition where they give
themselves support, but also collectively spend their free time outside
competition. You know, it's beautiful, as people coming sport, as each infected
with passion, they share their experience, to mutually push the
boundaries of endurance and build a solid staircase to the world of OCR.
Hussars Race Team - Dream Team? Certainly one of many that has in its ranks players receiving extremely successful in the field of racing with obstacles. They are a harmonious team-training enthusiasts together, then give an example, that want to be able to. Image
Husarii but is erroneously perceived by outsiders as a place
inaccessible mainly because it is associated with people with
extraordinary abilities running. Workout
partner, having fun on trips and support which bestow upon themselves,
can nevertheless encourage closer contacts with them.
Watching photos on funpage Hussars Race Team, in the eyes of the first to hit was Horse - Artur Surus. Sympathetic guy with blond mane of hair and a wide smile.
- "A Horse is a very cheerful person. The soul of the party. He is with us almost from the beginning. Thanks to his work, we are here at present. Great friend, companion travel, a great man, but a hopeless driver. Every trip to competitions and other events are legendary. You can not get bored. You can quote here a lot of history, but it is worth to focus on the most important question that Arthur is a horse. Once we went against the Spartans in Krynica in 2015 for training on Jaworzyna Mountain. Artur led training and ignoring the others ran trail 15 km of whether or not someone is behind him. When he turned around there was nobody. After this he was called "Horse" - Peter Zabiegaj creator Husarii Race Team.
It beats from him the fun energy - I thought. Without
long thinking I decided that Arthur will be one of my cases,
surveillance ;-) During the conversation has consented to the interview,
and I gave him a set of questions. I know that the most difficult to write about myself, and here also it was not easy. Interview if it was about the competition or the results of the so-called. dry facts would be easy, but the situation is more difficult when you have to write the elements of life outside of racing.
- "Do you have other passions outside of racing?"
- "...Ana Saprtanka. Specify whether the passion is what I do in my spare time, or maybe other such sneak peak?".
;-) We came together, we take into account the interest Arthur, those
who enjoy it, give him relaxation and an opportunity to gain experience
of any kind.
- "Come on give me sth, I note, fit?"
- "Calm down, wait. Okay so ... "
"With the active forms of leisure is definitely climbing, rather
bouldering. Some time ago I caught the teaser, I attended very
irregularly, but now I attend regularly. You know, and I liked it and it
is also my unit training, as I combine business with pleasure useful.
I fight there with "problems" whic sometimes do not allow me to sleep. For
the next workout back to the same bald and I try again, and still,
until it succeeds. I'll tell you frankly that it teaches patience and
humility, and training at this
wonderful, not once I come back home with tired arms. Table
tennis also is one of the forms of spending free time. I like to play it
with my brother, we have the same level of play, so the fight is always
fierce. You know, if quite " off
'' the sports section is like going to the cinema, mainly action films,
war - where reigns the action. The huge screen and good sound
system in the cinema except when it clearly is not for any love story,
drama, etc. but
for movies, where it reigns action, special effects, shooting,
explosions, chases and so on. In the past I had a sucker for bonding of
aircraft models (it only teaches patience), which over time has been
suspended, but will not say, but return it's only matter of time. Books about war, crime and historical are also in my life desired position. I
really like to watch, whether on the Internet or on the type of
Discovery channels, programs of technical, something like: engineering
extreme, amazing designs and extreme machine. From the small fascinated me such things, what also made me want to become an engineer. You know I really like to listen to music, it fills every sphere of my life. I have a my favorite bands, whose music describes me, and their songs are good for every mood."
- "Ok, and please tell me how you look at the situation with the support, I mean the competition. Do you have someone like that? How it looks from family / friends? "
- "When it comes to family, this support gives me mainly brother, who also leads an active lifestyle, as well as running, hence surely understanding my passion and participation in competitions. The rest of the family rather is of the opinion that I should sit on my butt, because otherwise I'll ever get hurt. Huge support comes, however, from the team, and friends from the world of racing with obstacles not even related to my team. Some time ago there was a person who motivates me, gives me a kick to the action, for which I am grateful. "
- "What do you feel when you step on the starting line?"
- "When I stand on the starting line always in my head scrolling 3 things. How do I start if from the beginning "of the hoof" or maybe calmer and what will be the tactic gear. Weather conditions, like a huge influence on my prosecution and that defeat obstacles will be very difficult. Well, these are some of them critical, and again appear on the route, whether this time will pass them without a problem. With the moment when the final countdown is coming soaring emotions, on the one hand you want to get it over, secondly, you do not want, because you are afraid of what will happen when stops. At the same time start time slows down and even stops for a split second to instantly speed up. We go, like warriors to fight with nature, obstacles, enemy and ourselves. "
- "... Arthur?"
- "Yes, Anna?"
- "Is there anyone whom you consider a role model or something special you appreciate it?"
"You know, I have a total of such authority, eg. From the world of
sport, but someone who particularly impresses me is my dad - a man busy
for what it sincerely appreciate and respect. Besides himself rather appoint a new path, I go where others do not
go, do things others can not do ... I want to be authority for other
people, someone you want to emulate."
- "Well so dear fellow, if so, give you a chance, as the first response to the next question. It also is not yet frayed by one way, so perfectly that fell on Ready"
- "How you support women into gear and starts in the competition - the challenge here for you."
-"Ladies, show that you have character, and the one who came up with the concept of "the weaker sex" grossly wrong. Besides, it's probably a good feeling to dig many a guy on the competition? Am I right Ana?
- "Yes .. Horse"
- "Thank you for your time. And one more thing. Do you have a dream, so special?"
- "Wait ... yes, life without stress. That would be something. Hardly attainable, but if dreaming costs nothing, why not try it? "
- "I am glad that, although you could virtually get to know Arthur. Maybe one day we can get to know you personally and your team mates - maybe a common practice? And just, you know the article has recruited someone else with the Hussars Race Team "
-"Who? Tell me !!!"
- "... Patience is a unique gift, and I give you the opportunity to commune with him in the near future ..."
- "Then I wait Anka Spartanka"